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Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines

Damdaming Katoliko sa Teolohiya

Recent Publications of DaKaTeo Members

Year 2020

Basas, Allan A. “Inculturation: An Ongoing Drama of Faith-Culture Dialogue.”

Scientia 9 no. 1 (2020): 92-108.

Brazal, Agnes M. “Where is Home? Displacements and Disqualifications,” February 2020, Catholic Theological Ethics in the

          World Church (CTEWC) Forum,

Cacho, Rebecca G. At the Heart of Jesus: A Theological Reflection of the 1593 Ama Namin.

Manila: St. Scholastica’s College, 2020.

Capucao, Dave. “Human Rights Culture: A Way Forward to Peace.” Hapag: A Journal of

Interdisciplinary Theological Research. Forthcoming.

_____. “The Future Challenges of Secularization to Asian Christianity and Theology.” Journal of Empirical

Theology. Forthcoming.

Gonzalez, Dennis. “Care for Creation and Works of Mercy.” Asia Pacific Mission Studies 2 no. 1 (2020): 45-65.

Mendoza, Ruben C. “What If: COVID-19 in the Philippines in Light of the Catholic Social Tradition.”

Journal of Dharma 45 no. 2 (2020): 201-222.

_____. “Interdisciplinarity as a Means of Doing Theology: Jose Mario Francisco, Jr., SJ, PhD

and His Writings.” Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research. Forthcoming.

_____. “The Performance of the Christian Faith under a Populist President: The Case of the Philippine Church

under Duterte.” MST Review 22 no. 1 (2020): 1-46. Forthcoming.  

Mendoza, Ruben C. and Levy L. Lanaria, eds. “Seeds Sown and First Fruits: Honoring the Wisdom Figures of

the Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines.” Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological

Research. Forthcoming.  

Meneses, Kristine C. “L’Arche, A Radical Reversal: Fearless Dialogue between Foucault and Vanier with

the New Testament.” Journal of Disability and Religion 24 No. 2 (2020): 151-173.

_____. “Deafinitely Different: Seeing Deafness, Deaf, and Healing in the Bible from Deaf Perspectives.” In Unlocking

Orthodoxies for Inclusive Theologies: Queer Alternatives, edited by Robert E. Shore-Goss and

Joseph N. Goh, 174-191. London: Routledge, 2020.

Pilario, Daniel Franklin E. “Catholics.” Edinburgh Companion on Global Christianity, ed. Kenneth Ross,

Francis Alvarez, Todd Johnson, UK: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

_____. “Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Theologizing in Asia.” International Journal of Indonesian Philosophy

and Theology 1 no. 1 (2020): 22-35.

_____. “Matters of the Heart: Laudato Si’ in the Philippines.” Forthcoming.

_____. “From Environmental Justice to Ecological Justice: Toward Ecological Hermeneutics.” Forthcoming.

_____. “Myth, Science and Theology: The Theological Journey of Jimmy Belita, CM,” Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological         

          Research. Forthcoming.

Sawit, Chito M. “Interreligious Dialogue Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic.” 1 July 2020. Catholic Theological Ethics

in the World Church.



Year 2019

Basas, Allan A. “Refiguring the Ecclesiology of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines for Filipino Catholics.”

Philippiniana Sacra 54 no. 16 (2019): 3-22.

Brazal, Agnes M. A Theology of Southeast Asia: Liberation-Postcolonial Ethics in the Philippines. Maryknoll, New York:

           Orbis Books, 2019.

_____. “Church as Sacrament of Yinyang Harmony: Toward an Incisive Participation of Women and Laity in the Church.”

           Theological Studies 80, no. 2 (2019): 1-21.

_____. “Does Capitalism Kill? Post-Vatican II Perspectives on Development.” Louvain Studies 42 (2019): 65-85.

_____. “Building Peace through Online Interfaith Dialogue.” In Theology, Conflict, and Peacebuilding, ed. Daniel Franklin Pilario,

            191-210. Quezon City: SVST.

_____. “Postcolonialism.” In The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology, 2nd ed., ed. William Cavanaugh, 516-530.


Cacho, Rebecca G. A Legacy Bequeathed: Foundational Theology. Manila: St. Scholastica’s College, 2019.

Dagmang, Ferdinand D. “Amplifying Laudato Si’ With the Science of Epigenetics.”

MST Review 21 no. 2 (2019): 1-20.

_____. “God-Talk as a Means of Healing: A Spiritual Rebirth Through Novel Writing and Auto-Analysis.”

MST Review 21 no. 1 (2019): 1-30.

De Mesa, Jose. We Dare to Say, “Our Father!” Theology and Spirituality of the 1593 Version of the Ama Namin. 

Quezon City: Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc., 2019.

Estela P. Padilla, ed. Handbook For A Participatory Church in the World. Taytay: Bukal ng Tipan, 2019. 

Gaspar, Karl. Ordinary Lives Lived Extraordinarily. Davao City: Aletheia Publications, 2019.

_____. “Indigenous People's Landscape and Its Direct Connection to Impoverishment and Un-Peace: The Case in Bislig,

 Surigao del Sur in the Philippines.” Concilium no. 4 (2019): 109-120.

Genilo, Eric Marcelo O. “Public Discourse in a Divided Society.” In Building Bridges in Sarajevo:

The Plenary Papers from CTEWC 2018, edited by Kristin Heyer et al, 151-154. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2019.

Javier-Martinez, Dorothy. “Karunungan, Hiwaga, at Espiritwalidad ng Paglilinang ng Katutubong Wika.” 2019. Ikatlong

Gantimpala sa Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino – Sanaysay ng Taon 2019. National award given on 27 August 2019, at the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Mendoza, Ruben C. “Assuming All That Is Asian: Becoming a Truly Local Church in Dialogue.”

Asia Pacific Mission Studies 1 no. 1 (2019): 69-88.

Meneses, Kristine C. “Doing Theology with the ‘Silenced’ in Print and Public Practice.” In Building Bridges in Sarajevo:

The Plenary Papers from CTEWC 2018, edited by Kristin Heyer, James Keenan and Andrea Vicini, 194-196. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2019.

_____. “Biblical Conversations with the Deaf: The Word Made Flesh, Seeing Biblical Theology in Pictorial and Performance.”

Asian Horizons 13 no. 3, (Sept 2019): 373-388.

_____. “Deafness and Deafhood in Mark 7.31-37: Seeing-Sign World of Filipino d/Deaf and their Narratives of

Dismemberment and Empowerment in this Hearing/Word World.” In Liberating Power: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives, edited by Andrea Lizares-Si and Jeane Peracullo, 139-154. Bengaluru, India: Dharmaram Publications, 2019.

_____. “Deaf Hermeneutics: Engaging with the Other Human Variety ‘Eye-to-Eye.” In Disability Theology from Asia,

edited by Angeline Okola and Wati Longchar, 192-205. West Bengal, India: EDAN-WCC, 2019.

_____. “Piercing Hunger: The Daqar in Lamentations and Today.” In Foodscapes: Beyond the Food Environment – A Feminist

          Theological Take on Food Issues in Asia, edited by Kristine Meneses and Christine Burke, 79-96. Bengaluru, India: Dharmaram         

           Publications, 2019.

Meneses, Kristine C., Joseph Goh and Donald Messer. “An Ecclesiological Praxis of Inclusivity toward Sexual Diversity

and HIV: Learning from Singapore and the Philippines.” International Journal of Public Theology 13 no. 1 (June 2019): 163-184.

Pilario, Daniel Franklin E. “Homelessness and Hospitality on the Ground: A Methodological Proposal for Catholic Social

Teaching.” In Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics, ed. James F. Keenan and Mark McGreevy. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2019.

_____. “Faith and Religion in Globalized Megacities: A View from Manila.” The City and Global Development.

Beyond North-South Paradigm. Eds. Linda Hogan, Alina Kreuse and Markus Buker. London: SCM Press, 2019, Concilium 2019. No. 1, 73-84.

_____. “And His Garment is Covered with Dust: Directions in Bishop Labayen’s Theology of Praxis.” Quezon City:

SVST and Socio-Pastoral Institute, 2019.

_____. “Theologies at the Rough Grounds: Conceptual Trajectories of a Method.” Hapag 15 (2015/2019): 79-108.

_____. “Approfondimenti/2: Inculturatione/2,” Verso il Sinodo per l’Amazzonia: dimensione regionale e universale.

Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2019, 61-66.

Pilario, Daniel Franklin E., ed. Theology, Conflict and Peacebuilding. Manila: Adamson University, 2019.

Ponce, Rico P. “An Exploration of the Transformative Spirituality among the Development Workers in the Philippines.”

GAWI 3 (SY 2019): 19-35.

_____. “Spirituality as Locus for Peace-Work.” Living Flame 4 (2019): 11- 33.

Ponce, Rico & Dave Capucao. “Individualism and Salvation: An Empirical-Theological Explorations of Attitudes among

the Filipino Youth and its Challenges to Filipino Families.” Scientia 8 no. 1 (March 2019): 26- 78.

Raluto, Reynaldo D. “The Imperative of Reforestation in Fighting Climate Change in Asia.” Concilium:

International Review of Theology (2019/5): 137-141.

Sanchez, Rachel Joyce O. “Sappia-Christ, The Rice of Life: Re-Imagining Christ Based on the Story of a

Breastfeeding Goddess.” In Foodscapes: Beyond the Food Environment: A Feminist Theological Take on Food Issues in Asia, edited by Kristine Meneses and Christine Burke, 33–53. Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2019.

_____. “Synod on the Youth from the Perspective of Gender Minorities in the Philippines.” 

Asian Horizons, 13 (2019). 60-74.

Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. “Articulations of Religiously Motivated Nationalism within Philippine Catholicism: A Critical Assessment.”

In Religion and Nationalism in Asia, ed. Giorgio Shani & Takashi Kibe, 47-61. Politics in Asia Series. London: Routledge, 2019.


Year 2018

Arabit, Auria. Jesus Christ: Priest, Crucified, Poor. Quezon City: Claretian Communication Foundation Inc., 2018.

Brazal, Agnes M. “Feminist Image of God and Women’s Leadership in Ciudad Mistica de Dios,” Concilium 374, no. 1 (2018), 83-92.

_____. “Mary as Type and Model of Church in Lumen Gentium: Reception in Asia.” In Catholicism Opening to the World and

Other Confessions: Vatican II and its Impact, ed. Vladimit Latinovic, Gerard Mannion, and Jason Welle, 167-184. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-98581-7_11.

_____. “Religious and Cultural Beliefs related to Disaster Risk Reduction: The Case of the Supertyphoon Haiyan.” In Fragile

World: Ecology and the Church, ed. William Cavanaugh. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2018.

_____. “Gaudete et Exsultate and the Unfinished Agenda of Vatican II,” June 2018, CTEWC Forum,

Basas, Allan A. “Critical Theory and Theology of the Signs of the Times: Towards an Emancipated Humanity.”

Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 no. 1 (2018). eISSN: 2546-1885.

Baybado, Pablito A., Jr. “Tri_People Dialogue: Prospects for Peace Building in the Philippines.” Studies in

Interreligious Dialogue 27 no. 1 (2018): 105-26.

Cacho, Rebecca G. “Dakilang Paramdam (God’s Loving Manifestation): A Re-reading of the Role of the Holy Spirit

in the Asian Context.” Living Flame: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Discourse in Spirituality 2 no. 2 (2017).

Dagmang, Ferdinand D. “Caring through Mothering and Working: Grounding and Verifying Amoris Laetitia’s

Concern for Families.” MST Review 18 no. 1 (2018): 1-42.

De Mesa, Jose. Adequate, But Not Enough: A Filipino Reflection on the Triune God. Quezon City: Claretian

Communications Foundation, Inc., 2018.

Gaspar, Karl. "Interfacing Faith Traditions in a Mindanawon Anthropology." Aghamtao 26 (2018).

Gaspar, Karl, ed. Our Mother of Perpetual Help: Icon and the Filipinos. Quezon City: Institute of Spiritualty in Asia, 2017.

Javier-Martinez, Dorothy and Robert P. Martinez. “Ang Sagradong Espasyo ng Pananalangin at Pagnonobena: Papel sa Pagpapanatili

ng Pananampalatayang Katoliko-Kristiyano ng mga Pilipinong Manggagawa sa Bansang Di Kristiyano.” Proceedings of the 2018 DLSU Research Congress. ISSN 2449-3309 Volume 6 (2018) Series 4.

Javier-Martinez, Dorothy and Ma. Elizabeth Butay, MCST. “Gawi at Rito ng Pagbabalik-loob tungo sa Malikhaing Pagtatangka

ng Pangangalaga sa Kapaligiran: Pastoral na Pagninilay, at Hamon ng Prinsipyong Sapat, at ng Laudato Si.” Proceedings of the 11th DLSU Arts Congress. ISSN 2012-0311 Volume 2 (2018) Series 5.

Meneses, Kristine C. “Pakikipagkapwa: A Value in Attempt to Counter Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity Loss.”

Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 8, iss. 1 art. 3 (Oct 2018).

_____. “Deaf Hospitality, in Differánce: A Fluid Take on Derrida’s Ethics of Hospitality.” God’s Image:

Journal of Asian Women’s Resource Centre for Culture and Theology 37 no.1 (June 2018): 3-11.

_____. “Creatively Claiming Her Space for the ‘Other’: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis and Poststructuralist

Hermeneutics of Matthew 5.39-41.” In The 21st Century Woman: Still Claiming Her Space: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives, edited by Virginia Saldanha and Metti Amirtham, 206-225. Delhi: Media House, 2018.

Norlan, Julia. “The Office of Rector as a Ministry of Consolation.” The Way 57 no. 1 (January 2018): 1-15.

Pilario, Daniel Franklin E. „Gabentausch“ in der Sakramentologie. Eine kritische Betrachtung aus der Perspektive

Pierre Bourdieus.” Religion und soziale Distinktion. Resonanzen Pierre Bourdieus in der Theologie. Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder GmbH, 2018, 191-212.

_____. “Homelessness and Hospitality on the Ground: A Methodological Proposal for Catholic Social Teaching,”

Journal of Vincentian Social Action 4 (2018): 47-56. Cf.

_____. “Theology and Reflexivity.” Louvain Studies 41 (2018): 107-124.

_____. “Editorial.” Asian Christianities. Edited with Felix Wilfred and Po Ho. Concilium 2018, No. 1. London:

SCM Press, 2018.

Ponce, Rico P. “Living Carmelite Spirituality amidst the Challenges of our Contemporary Times.”

Carmel in the World Volume 57 no.2 (2018): 131-143.

Raluto, Reynaldo D. “An Eschatological Perspective on Our Hope for a Sustainable World,” In Fragile World:

Ecology and Church, edited by William T. Cavanaugh, 302-318. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2018.

Sanchez, Rachel Joyce Marie O. and Stephanie Ann Puen. “Filipino Women Still Claiming Their Space Around the Altar:

Gender, Inculturation, and the Ecclesiology of Communion and Inclusion in the Philippine Church and Liturgy.” In The 21st Century Woman Still Claiming Her Space: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives, edited by Saldanha Virginia and Metti Amirtham, 226-244. New Delhi: Media House 2018.

Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. “Assessing the Relevance of the Perpetual Help Devotion in the Philippines Today: A View from the

Social Sciences.” In Our Mother of Perpetual Help Icon and the Filipinos: Multidisciplinary Perspectives to a Perpetual Help Spirituality, ed. Karl Gaspar & Desiree A.B. Mendoza, 101-114. Quezon City: Institute for Spirituality in Asia & Redemptorist Province of Cebu and Vice Province of Manila, 2017. 

Sawit, Chito M. “Dialogue in the Family Today in Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

(The Joy of Love).” Voice of Intellectual Man 8 no. 1 (2018): 1-10.


Year 2017

Almazan, Joefrey. “The Relevance of Laudato Si’ in the Cordilleran’s Search for Autonomy.” Philippiniana Sacra LII no. 157 (2017).

_____. “Witnessing the 100 Years of Mission Partnership (CICM-Lay)in Isabela.” Novo et Vetera 52 no. 5 (May 2017).

_____. “Reimaging the CICM Missionaries in Their 100 Years of Missionary Presence in Isabela.” Novo et Vetera  52 no. 5 (May 2017).

_____. “A Reflection on Pastoral Care for the Elderly: A Reminder in the Month of the Elderly.” Novo et Vetera 52 no. 9 (September 2017).

Arabit, Auria. “Creative Fidelity and Leadership.” 6th National Conference on Catechesis and Religious Education (NCCRE) Paper.

ISSN # 2508-0881, Vol. 2 (2017).

Basas, Allan A. “The Enduring Teachings of Humanae Vitae of Marriage and Family: Affirming the Unitive

and Procreative Significance.” Colloquia Manila 25 (2017). ISSN 0117-6145.

Brazal, Agnes M. “Dialogue and Proclamation of Truth: Reception of Nostra Aetate and Ad Gentes by the FABC.” Dialogue

and Religions, Journal of Dharma 42, no. 4 (October-December 2017): 411-434.

_____. “Power-Beauty and Prophetic Resistance: A Postcolonial Approach.” (trans. to Portuguese) In Testemunho: profecia, politica

e sabedoria, ed. Maria Clara Bingemer e Peter Casarella. Rio: Editora PUC-Rio, 2017.

_____.  “The Devotion to OMPH at the Baclaran Church Before and After Vatican II.” In The Mother of Perpetual Help Icon and

the Filipinos: Multidisciplinary Perspectives to a Perpetual Help Spirituality, 115-129, ed. Victorino Cueto and Karl Gaspar. Quezon City: Institute of Spirituality.

_____. “Complicity in the Summary Executions in Duterte’s Drug War.” November 4, 2017, CTEWC Forum,

_____. “Fake News, Facebook, and ‘Ethics in Internet.” February 28, 2017, CTEWC Forum,

Baybado, Pablito A., Jr. “Beyond Colonization: The Impact of History in Philippine Interreligious Dialogue.”

The Journal of Interreligious Studies 20 (March 2017): 38-53.

Cacho, Rebecca G. Becoming Church, Being Sacrament. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, 2017.

_____. Theological Ethics of Filipino Aesthetics. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, 2017.

_____. In Love With God. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, 2017.

_____. Jesus: God’s Way of Friendship. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, 2017.

Dagmang, Ferdinand D. “Midya: Imbakan at Daluyan ng mga Tradisyon /Media: Vessel and Channel of

Traditions.” 19 no. 2 MST Review (2017): 40-60.

_____. “Fostering Internationalization of Research and Its Implications for Localization Practices:

A Case of an Aspiring Christian University.” MST Review  19 no. 1 (2017): 1-36.

Dagmang, Ferdinan D. and Dalmacito A. Cordero Jr. “The Pedicab Drivers’ Daily Transgressions:

Struggles for Provision and Care.” MST Review 19 no. 2 (2017): 78-103.

De Mesa, Jose M., Estela P. Padilla, Levy L. Lanaria, Rebecca G. Cacho, Yuri D. Cipriano, George N. Capacue

and Timoteo D. Gener. Ang Maganda sa Teolohiya. Quezon City: Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc., 2017. 

Julia, Norlan. “Aloysius Pieris’ Asian Liberation Theology and its Challenges to the Church’s Mission in Asia.”

Landas: Journal of Loyola School of Theology 31, no. 1 (2017): 51-75.

_____. “Peace Through Warfare: The Ignatian Influence in Urios’s Missionary Work.”

Tambara: A Journal on the Humanities and Social Sciences (Ateneo de Davao University) 34, no.1 (2017): 89-104.

Meneses, Kristine C. “Silent and Silenced: Deaf Theology and Spirituality.” God’s Image:

Journal of Asian Women’s Resource Centre for Culture and Theology 35 no.1 (June 2017): 7-16.

Pilario, Daniel Franklin E. “The Eucharist and the Poor. How Does the Magisterium Speak of the Eucharist?” 307-326.

Theological Symposium Papers and Proceedings of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress, 20-22 January 2016. Paranaque: Don Bosco Center of Studies, 2017.

_____. “Praying Bodies, Dying Bodies: Reflections on the Nazareno and Santo Nino.”

Philippine Sociological Review 65 (2017): 155-161.

_____. “Editorial”. Minorities. Edited with Susan Ross and Solange Lefebvre. Concilium 2017. No. 3. London: SCM Press, 2017.

_____. “Ecology and the Apocalypse.” Fragile World. Edited by William Cavanaugh. Cascade Books, 2017, 271-284.

Pilario, Daniel Franklin E., ed. Minorities. Edited with Susan Ross and Solange Lefebvre. Concilium 2017.

No. 3. London: SCM Press, 2017.

_____, ed. Asian Christianities. Edited with Felix Wilfred and Po Ho Huang. Concilium 2018. No. 1. London:

SCM Press, 2017.

Ponce, Rico P. “Carmelite Spirituality as Exemplified by Blessed Titus Brandsma.”

Carmel in the World 56 no. 2 (2017): 113- 117. 

Ponce, Rico P. & Dave Capucao. “Secularization and Spirituality from a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective.”

In Secularization and Spirituality: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, eds. Rico P. Ponce & Perla A. Choudhurry, 1- 92. Quezon City: Institute of Spirituality in Asia, 2017.  

Raluto, Reynaldo D. “The Intersection of Historical Injustices and Ecological Destruction in Asia:

Enriching Catholic Social Teaching on Indigenous Peoples.” Landas: Journal of Loyola School of Theology 31 no. 1 (2017): 101-129.

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