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Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines

Damdaming Katoliko sa Teolohiya

Membership in DaKaTeo is ordinary or associate.


  1. Qualification for Ordinary Membership

1.1 The association is open to all Catholic theologians from any theological discipline working or    

    based in the Philippines.

1.2 The candidate for membership must have at least a graduate degree equivalent to a licentiate, 

    preferably a doctoral degree, with specialization in Theology, Theological Studies, Religious 

    Studies, or Religious Education.

1.3 The candidate must subscribe to the vision and mission statement of the association.

1.4 The candidate must be active in theological research, education or administration, preferably

    with published work.

1.5 A candidate who has made a significant contribution to the Philippine Church and/or

    theological education through scholarly research or advocacy work can also be considered for

    membership. They may have an MA degree or a PhD degree in a discipline other than theology or

    related disciplines of theology and their work meets the vision and mission of DaKaTeo. It is

    DaKaTeo, through the BOT, that invites the individual to become a member.

1.6 The officers of the association shall evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for membership.


Associate membership is open to theologians who:

(a) meet the other requirements but do not live or work in the Philippines; or

(b) have doctoral degrees in academic disciplines other than those prescribed for ordinary 

    members, and with at least two publications in a refereed journal/s. A chapter in a book is

    equivalent to one journal article. A book is equivalent to three journal articles. The publications

    must be vetted by the ExeCom, or a committee formed for this particular purpose, and show the

    applicant’s capacity to dialogue or engage with theology according to DaKaTeo vision and



2. The procedure of becoming a member is as follows:

2.1 Application for membership is open to everyone who is qualified.

2.2 The application may be done in either of the following ways:

(a) The applicant on his/her own initiative may simply apply for membership in writing to the officers of the association.

(b) Any member of the association may sponsor or recommend the application in writing to the officers of the association.


In both cases, the applicant is to submit to the association her/his letter of intent, her/his updated curriculum vitae and and at least two (2) copies of his/her publication(s). As part of the evaluation process, will be asked to either present (i) a paper in a DaKaTeo sponsored conference or symposium; or (ii) a synthesis of her or his thesis or dissertation. As an alternative to the presentation, the recent publications of an applicant will be used as an evaluation tool in determining her or his suitability to join DaKaTeo. The Membership Application Committee can recommend to the ExeCom if it is no longer necessary for a particular applicant to present a paper. The ExeCom will make the final decision whether the applicant will be asked to present a paper or not.


2.3 The officers of the association, or a committee formed for this particular purpose, shall evaluate the application in consultation with the general membership.

2.4 The officers of the association nominate the applicant to the Board of Trustees, who gives the confirmation of membership by absolute majority of all the trustees.


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